Glogster EDU

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Glogster is an education technology website which allows you to create multimedia interactive posters that include text, sound, video, hyperlinks, and imagesThese digital posters can then be shared with classmates and teachers via email, posted on class blogs, or simply accessed through the poster's URL address. 

  • It is user-friendly so that everyone manages to use it.
  • Provides creative and artistic learning opportunities.
  • It is flexible. You can use it for biographies, timelines, math formulas, instructional writing, experiment results, spelling plural verbs, country or state profiles, and much more. 
  • It has a great visual impact that engages students more efficiently
  • It offers a Glogpedia content library of over 40,000 top-quality glogs from classrooms around the world.. where you can find information and inspiration.
  • Glogster could be used as a learning and teaching tool to foster higher order thinking skills.
  • Grab all kinds of media from anywhere around the web using the inbuilt web browser (web picker) and simply drag & drop them onto your canvas.
  • When you integrate technology into an area of education where it is not traditionally used, it instantly becomes a great motivator for students.
  • It is safe and private to use with students
  • It's only free  for seven days for individual users. It has an annual subscription cost (although it isn't too expensive) 
  • Creating a Glog can be time consuming, especially if you are new to the program. A Glogster lesson may take several days and several hours of work time
  • Students could easily become distracted by the graphics & sounds instead of focusing on the main point of the project
  • It requires a good internet connection
  • It has no spell check.
  • Video embedding, as well as some of the other features can be difficult. I would not recommend the program to teachers who lack technological skills.

Wistrom. E. (2012, November 29) Using Glogster in the Classroom. Retrieved from:
Hasbro, Inc  (2017) How Glogster works. Retrieved from:

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi Vale! I think the way in which you have explained how to use Glogster is clear and easy to follow!

  2. It's me again! I got confused and wrote a comment on the wrong post, sorry.The information you have provided about this app is interesting and very complete. Congrats!
