Online tools

Some online tools I want to share with you...

a. Prezi

b. Kahoot

c. Google Docs

d. Edmodo 

e. Storyrobe

Suggestions of activities to use these tools in the classroom:

a. To summarize some information the students need to study for the test, they should use this amazing tool which makes them think of the main information and key words of the text and present it in a more eye-catching and engaging way. They can make the presentation as they want, add images, create the presentation from scratch or use already made templates to do it more quickly.

b. The students do multiple choice quizzes (created by the teacher). It is a great tool for revising theory or vocabulary. They play this game by using their mobile phones to choose the answer and the one who choose the correct option more quickly gets more points. The correct answer is displayed on an overhead projector or common screen.

c. The students can work all together in a google docs to create a glossary of words they have learnt through the school year. 

d. The students should post pieces of news they find interesting and leave a question or comment to their classmates on Edmodo's wall, so that they can start online discussions.

e. Students can create their own digital stories adding images, videos and audio recordings. Then, the students will exchange their stories and retell the story they have watched to another classmate, while the teacher monitors them.

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