School: Language School
Course: 3rd year (15-year-old students)
Number of students: 20
Level: Pre- Intermediate
Recycled language: verb to be, have got/has got, vocabulary on personality, physical appearance and jobs, past simple and continuous, can for ability.
Time Alloted: 50 minutes.
Objective: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to create a Glogster poster in which they make a review of a book they have read (describing the characters, talking about the main themes and making a recommendation)
Course: 3rd year (15-year-old students)
Number of students: 20
Level: Pre- Intermediate
Recycled language: verb to be, have got/has got, vocabulary on personality, physical appearance and jobs, past simple and continuous, can for ability.
Time Alloted: 50 minutes.
Objective: By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to create a Glogster poster in which they make a review of a book they have read (describing the characters, talking about the main themes and making a recommendation)
This lesson will be delivered at the end of the school year. Throughout the year, the students have chosen and read a book (from the classroom library) once a month to recommend it to their peers. The lesson will be in the computer lab.
Activation (5’)
The teacher asks the students to guess what her/his favourite book was (among the ones they have read during the year). They can ask questions about the principal character's physical appearance, his/her job, the themes of the book, the type of genre of the book, etc.
Comprehension and Clarification (20’)
Once they have guessed what the book was, the teacher shows the students a glogster poster she/he has created about that book. The glogster includes a trailer, descriptions of the characters, themes of the book and her/his personal opinion about it. The teacher will then show them a Youtube tutorial on how to use glogster. The students will be provided with a handout which reinforces the instructions.
Application (20’)
The teacher asks them to make groups of four people and choose a book the 4 members of the group have read. They cannot tell their peers their choice. In groups, they will create their own glogster poster and they must not include the name of the characters or the book in their glogster. The teacher will monitor the students while they are working and providing assistance when they need it.
Reflection (10’)
The teacher will tell the students to save their work and to finish it at home, so that the following class they will share it with their classmates, who will have to guess what book was presented in the glogster.